Sunday, May 24, 2009

Girls on the GO - Haley's Eighth Birthday!

I can't believe it , eight blessed years with our baby girl, Haley Brooke Julius!!! She celebrated her life with family and friends. She started out the day with a new outfit because she is a girl who loves new clothes. She wanted High School Musical shorts. Then we were off to the skate station. There was skating, rock climbing, the arcade, and the jungle gym. That's right, these girls like action, all about the thrill, watch out world!!! They ate pizza and opened presents in the private party room. It was tons of fun all day long!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That'a my Haley-bug!!!! She is so precious! I am glad she had so much fun! Nolan and Haley are so very special to us! We are lucky to be a part of their lives! :) We love you~JJCCT