Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mom's Birthday Celebration

Mom's birthday dinner was held at Corkey Bell's restaurant in Palatka. It was a gorgeous evening to eat outside on the bank of the river with the sound of the live band playing in the background. The family is always entertaining with plenty of interesting conversations. Mom should be proud to see how many generations she made possible. She continues to love and support all of us each day. She is dedicated to her Lord and Saviour, her family, her friends, and her prayers. What a blessing it is to share this remarkable day with each other.
Edgar and Denise Akridge Valerie and Mom
Mom and Mary
Mom and Paul
Celena and Mom
Haley and Nana
Nolan and Nana
Your never too big to kiss your Nana!
Nana enjoying her company.
Mom opening her presents.
Nolan made her a card .
They have become very close this year because she
is helping to home school Nolan.
Nana blowing out her candles.
Tyler, Rick, and Ryan
just chillin'.
Mandi and Tyler
Valerie, Laney, and Lauren
Laney, Stacy, Cody, and Aaralyn
Stacy and Cody Alvers
Lauren, Tyler, and Mary goofing off with the band.
Tyler and Haley hangin' out.

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