Monday, November 10, 2008

Kids Weekend Get Away

What a great day the kids had with the Loose family! Abi, Emily, Nolan, and Haley went with Mr. and Mrs. Loose down the river towards Silver Springs. What a remember able day it was. The kids saw turtles, birds, alligators, ducks, and monkeys. It was quite exciting for them. They were a bit chilly, it rained, and of course there was the issue of no restroom. Haley was shocked about being allowed to possibly use the restroom anywhere but in the bathroom. Mrs. Loose said we were going to have to take her out more. She wanted toilet paper and all! Needless to say, they didn't make it as far as they had planned but they will always remember this trip. Happy Boating!

If you look closesly, you can see the monkey in the tree!

I don't know who they are trying to fool but it isn't me!

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