Our Christmas morning is always spent
at home and at my parent's home.
This year our Christmas started with this prayer
spoken joyfully from my dad.
Bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts which
we are about to receive
from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord.
Let us take a moment to remember those who are
no longer here with us this Christmas morning.

Daddy praying prior to the unwrapping of gifts...

Daddy asking for us to remember those who are
no longer here with us to celebrate this special time together.

Daddy sharing words from his heart ...

Nolan with his tornado necklace
and Haley with her iHome...

Nolan with his new Hurley hat...

Haley and her Hollister shirt...

Nolan and his Aeropostale jacket...
Unwrapping the Fushigi ball...

Nolan unwrapping his iHome...

Nolan and his Hurley shorts
and Haley with her rip skates...
Clothes from Justice...

Clothes from Hollister...

Nolan with his rip skates...

Haley loves her jacket from her brother...

Haley with her new watch...

Nolan and his Hurley shirt...
Unwrapping the Hedbanz Game...
We can't wait to play it...

Nolan with his new pajama pants...
Haley with her new sports outfit...
Haley with her Hollister Hoody...
Nolan sporting his Phiten necklace...

Haley with her cozy blanket...
Nolan with his Rumor Touch Screen cell phone...

Love it...

Haley with her Tennis ball basket...

Nolan and another Hurley jacket...

What is it?

Nolan's snuggly blanket...

Ping Pong paddles...what are these for?
Out to the garage they run...

To find not only a ping pong table but also a bike...

Nolan and Paul...

Paul and Haley...

Papa and Haley...
Aaralyn with her princess blanket...

Laney crawled right into the box
with her blanket...
Laney loved her baby's bottle...

Daddy with his new towels...

Mom with her new rug...

Dad and his prayer plaque...

Dad was proud to have a rug with his name on it...

Rick and Valerie enjoying the moment...

Marshmallow shooter, so cool...

Nolan and his basketball...

Laney taking a break with Ryan...

Laney feeding her baby...

Thinking the bottle is hers once again...

Playing the Hedbanz game
Nolan, Haley, and Greg...

Haley and her gift card...

Haley with her pajama set...

Nolan and Haley ready to battle
on their new ping pong table...

Celena thinking its too early
for the bright sun and cold weather...

Haley is trying out her new rip skates.
She wants to practice with the bar on for now...

Nolan managing pretty well already
on his new rip skates...

Love the kids practicing and playing
in their pajamas on Christmas morning.
Their to busy discovering and forget to change...

These pictures were taken with
Haley's new digital camera...